Where to watch
Gioconda Martínez returns to her hometown to stage a play about the conquest of Chile to regain artistic recognition.
Why watch this film?
Gioconda Martínez, a well-remembered comic television actress, decided to return to her hometown to stage a play about the conquest of Chile, which will allow her to regain the artistic recognition she thought she had lost but never had.
"History and Geography (Historia y Geografía) is an intelligent satire by Chilean filmmaker Bernardo Quesney, focusing on the syncretisms of Chilean society and its culture. The plot follows Gioconda Martínez (A Fantastic Woman), an actress who, despite coming from a family of well-known artists, is remembered for her role in a popular comedic TV show. She decides to return to her hometown to regain the artistic renown she believes she has lost, staging a play about the conquest of Chile with the reluctant help of her sister (Catalina Saavedra, The Maid). The film addresses various facets of artistic creation, debates ideas about "high" and "low" culture, questions the motivations behind the creative act, and offers a nuanced portrait of this world. While some elements are specific to the Chilean context, it’s a fascinating satire that can be extrapolated to other regions."