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Kunsang Wangmo, a Tibetan nun in exile, desires to return home, deeply impacting her devoted daughter Sonam in Bern.
This is the story of Kunsang Wangmo, a 100-year-old Buddhist nun exiled from Tibet in 1959 to escape the Chinese occupation. Mola entered a monastery at six years old, the beginning of a life-long dedication to prayer and daily observance of Buddhist teachings and rituals. While in Tibet, she married a monk and gave birth to two girls. The Chinese invaded Tibet in 1950, and after a decade of war and oppression, the family escaped - crossing inhospitable mountains on foot. Mola and her family ended up in India enduring the dangers and intense difficulties of life as refugees. There she lost one of her daughters, as well as her husband and was left only with her remaining daughter, Sonam Dolma. Slowly, their situation improved, and in 1972, Sonam fell in love with Martin Brauen, a Swiss anthropology student studying in India. They married, and Mola and Sonam both moved with Martin to Switzerland. When the film begins, they have lived together in Bern for 45 years, with Mola continuing her daily Buddhist rituals and prayers. Mola is very energetic and spirited for her age, and we get to see her humorous and feisty approach to life. Still, she is an old woman and needs complete, selfless care from Sonam. We get glimpses of Mola's backstory in evocative "dreams" of her time in the monastery and as a refugee. When Mola celebrates her 100th birthday, she reveals to Sonam that she wants to die "in the religious paradise of Tibet". After caring for Mola for all these years, the prospect of having her return to Tibet for this important phase in her life has a very emotional impact on Sonam. Despite their misgivings, Martin and Sonam begin the challenging months-long process of acquiring a visa from the Chinese embassy. As they navigate this frustrating bureaucracy, life goes on in their household. Mola continues her devotion to her Buddhist rituals while mother and daughter navigate the prospect of their separation and the end of Mola's life. Eventually, Mola is allowed to travel to Tibet, and Sonam and Martin adapt to life alone while watching videos of Mola enjoying life with her relatives. But in a surprising turn of events, after 6 months, Mola's visa is not extended and she is forced to fly back to Switzerland. When Mola returns, it is clear that she has aged and become much more frail. With the reality of Mola's mortality becoming clear, the beauty of this mother/daughter relationship comes to a powerful resolution. This film is the story of a devout and charismatic woman who, like millions of others, ends up displaced due to political upheaval, creating a life of dignity and meaning far from home. It is also the intimate and universal story of a mother and daughter, with all the love and challenges of an entire life together.