A Chinese princess seeks refuge with Asterix and Obelix from a strict prince.
Why watch this film?
The only daughter of the Chinese emperor Han Xuandi, escapes from a strict prince and seeks help from the Gauls and the two brave warriors Asterix and Obelix.
"If there is one French institution that stands the test of time, it's 'Asterix & Obelix.' Born in comic books in the 1950s, the story is inspired by the customs and culture of the Gallic people, with these two main characters as absolute protagonists, even going so far as to have television series and movies. This production, directed by actor Guillaume Canet (Blood Ties), picks up the story of the characters in 2023. As its name suggests, it tells of the "Middle Kingdom", telling the story of Emperor Han Xuandi's only daughter, who escapes from an evil prince and seeks help from the Gauls and the two brave warriors. Although ridiculously silly at times, Asterix & Obelix: The Middle Kingdom moves with the return of these characters and shows how, even almost 70 years later, there is still room for them in collective memory."