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Two sisters on a business trip in Texas fight for their lives against Leatherface.
Why watch this film?
The spiritual sequel to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise takes place 47 years later. Ruth is a 25-year old San Francisco moneymaker who drags her younger teenage sister with her to Texas on a business trip, out of fear of leaving her alone in the city. The younger sister Lila is an amateur photographer who is wheelchair-bound and it's not long until they're fighting for their lives against a 60 year old Leatherface.
"Do you know the term "requel"? Refined in 'Panic' in 2022, the word refers to films that mix aspects of remakes and sequels. After all, on the one hand, producers bring modernity to classic stories, while not erasing what happened in the past of that franchise. In addition to 'Panic', this is the case with the new 'Star Wars' trilogy, as well as 'Ghostbusters: Beyond' and the most recent 'Halloween'. Now, 'Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Return of Leatherface' follows the same path. An adaptation from Netflix, the film brings the story of the chainsaw criminal 50 years after the last events. It's a quick and short story, with only 81 minutes of duration, with some mannerisms. However, in the end, it can give some good scares and entertain those who watch the movie in a group, with friends, ready for Leatherface's surprises."