A Menina que Matou os Pais
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A young woman manipulates her boyfriend and brother-in-law to kill her parents.
Why watch this film?
A psychological thriller surrounding the real murders of Manfred and Marísia von Richthofen orchestrated by their own daughter, Suzane, along with her boyfriend and brother-in-law, the Cravinhos brothers.
"Watch 'The Girl Who Killed Her Parents' alongside 'The Boy Who Killed My Parents', both exclusive to Amazon Prime Video, as it dives into a subject that dominated police pages of newspapers in the early 2000s: the brutal murder of Marisia and Manfred von Richthofen by their daughter Suzane and her boyfriend Daniel Cravinhos and his brothers. With Carla Diaz (from the soap opera 'O Clone') embodying the role of the killer, we follow here the version of the two brothers (Leonardo Bittencourt and Allan Souza Lima) about the crime, putting Suzane as a manipulative young woman who devised the whole murder. Although it is a bit undecided in the tone to be used and Diaz is a bit exaggerated in some moments, the feature finally puts Brazil on the route of films that fictionalize real crimes - something that has been done for decades in the United States, with productions such as 'Zodiac', 'Ted Bundy: The Irresistible Face of Evil' and the like. It could be a bit bolder narratively and aesthetically, playing more with the story and the various versions that surround the case, but 'The Girl Who Killed Her Parents' fulfills its role. Special mention to the actors who play Suzane's parents (Leonardo Medeiros and Vera Zimmermann) and the Cravinhos parents (Augusto Madeira and Débora Duboc). They help to complete the movie."