Stranded in southern Italy, a group fights for survival in a gruesome horror mix of 'The Cabin in the Woods' and 'Midsommar'.
Why watch this film?
In this gruesome suspense film, strangers traveling in southern Italy become stranded in the woods, where they must fight desperately to get out alive.
"This movie mixes 'The Cabin in the Woods' with 'Midsommar' and the generation that grew up with Sam Raimi's 'Evil Dead' franchise - it's even mentioned in the production. It's not the kind of story that will please everyone. If you go in with low expectations, you might be surprised, otherwise you may just find flaws. However, the great similarity with Raimi's story is that the idea here is not to take it seriously and just surrender to the cheap entertainment of 'A Classic Horror Story'. Indeed, the items to make a horror production are there, since the genre is currently not so interesting and because of this, this movie stands out by delivering something different - despite the already known references."