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Witness the rise of a young superstar to a national hero during Brazil's radical era.
Why watch this film?
Looks back at the extraordinary 12-year period in which Pelé, the only man to win three World Cup titles, went from young superstar in 1958 to national hero in 1970; a radical yet turbulent era in Brazil’s history.
"In times when Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi are pointed out as the best football players in history by the new generations, 'Pelé' arrives to present the Athlete of the Century for those who did not see him on the field - using the global Netflix platform as a great cannon for this disclosure. However, the feature film differs greatly from the previous production, 'Pelé Eterno'. This happens a lot by the pair of directors, the British Ben Nichols and David Tryhorn, who do not let themselves be carried away by a boastful vision and have a legitimately curious look to understand who Edson Arantes do Nascimento was (and is). They also enter the controversial involvement of Pelé with political forces, and the use of the then player and the Brazilian Seleção by the military dictatorship in 1970. However, in the name of narrative and building a "hero's journey" from the former player's life (as almost all big Hollywood films do today), the documentary ignores many facts and minimizes others, in addition to not taking into account the context of a world where football was a regional event, and not a global business. It certainly will not satisfy those who followed the career of the former Santos Futebol Clube athlete and the Brazilian selection, but it may finally put some broth (and judgment) in the discussions of who was the best. If you liked the Netflix feature, there is also the tip to watch not only 'Pelé Eterno', but also 'Isto É Pelé', from 1974."