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A young girl receives a doll that allows her to witness the dark secrets of the adults around her.
Why watch this film?
Pamela va a cumplir ocho años y sus padres la llevan a celebrar a una cabaña en el bosque con su tío Esteban, quien le da como regalo un muñeco llamado Hellequin, quien le permitirá ver el espectáculo de los adultos cuando creen que nadie los ve. Una escalofriante y terrorífica red de suspenso, traición y crimen se irá tejiendo ante sus inocentes ojos.
"This Mexican thriller written and directed by Agustín Tapia tells the story of a couple formed by Nuria (Fernanda Castillo) and her husband Bernardo (Juan Ríos), who spend their daughter Pam's (Valéry Sais) birthday at the family's country house, and invite the girl's favorite uncle (Iván Arana) to the party. Tapia takes the risk of showing us enough twists in a discussion that is never obvious and that manages to create suspense with four actors and almost exclusively one single location. A demonstration of the good state of Mexican genre cinema."