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A marriage, honeymoon and pregnancy bring unforeseen complications for Bella and Edward.
Why watch this film?
In the highly anticipated fourth installment of The Twilight Saga, a marriage, honeymoon and the birth of a child bring unforeseen and shocking developments for Bella and Edward and those they love, including new complications with werewolf Jacob Black.
"The last book of the saga, 'Breaking Dawn', was split into two movies for fans not to say goodbye so quickly from the story. As in the other volumes of the saga, the soundtrack follows as one of the great highlights. In the fourth movie, Brazil is the destination of the protagonists on their honeymoon - yes, Bella finally manages to marry her great love. Their romance will suffer again, but this time with the character's pregnancy. The baby, half human, half vampire, is sucking the life out of the mother, but she does not want to interrupt the gestation in any way. The outcome is quite engaging, leaving a lot of curiosity for the final chapter of 'The Twilight Saga'. Still, it is valid to analyze that this is one of the most conservative films of the franchise - which was the cause of criticism. The main character is submissive to her husband and this ends up being extremely problematic in the unfolding of the story. The same happens in the book written by Stephenie Meyer, it is worth saying."