Eighth Grade
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An introverted teen girl navigates the challenges of her last week in eighth grade.
Why watch this film?
An introverted teenage girl tries to survive the last week of her disastrous eighth grade year before leaving to start high school.
""Eighth Grade" explores the anxiety and transformations that Generation Z adolescents go through, who have never known a world without the internet, touching on topics such as sexting, selfies, and the emotional dependence involved with social media. The protagonist, played by Elsie Fisher (who was nominated for a Golden Globe for the role), is a 13-year-old girl who produces videos nobody watches on YouTube, while living the dichotomy between what she would like to be and what she really is, not valuing her qualities while trying to fit in the standards imposed by the social context. It's the fictional feature directing debut of comedian and actor Bo Burnham, who started out as a YouTuber and became famous to the general public with productions like "Eighth Grade," and the final result is extremely praiseworthy. This is a must-see for everyone, since everyone knows the pains, joys, and worries of being 13--especially those who are going through it now or have children going through it."