The Forger
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A young Jewish man discovers his talent for forging documents during World War II to escape deportation.
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Jewish aesthete Cioma, 21, does not let anyone take away his joy of life, especially not the Nazis. In 1942, he has to find new ways to make his living in Berlin and escape deportation. In the process he discovers his talent for forgery: not only with passports, but also his own identity.
"The Forger is a historical drama that tells the true story of Cioma Schönhaus, a young Jewish man who discovers his talent for forging documents during World War II. Despite the difficult situation in Berlin, he maintains an upbeat outlook on life and uses his skills to forge passports and help other Jews escape the Nazi regime. Directed by Louis Hofmann (known for the successful series Dark) and presented at the Berlinale Special Gala, this film presents an exciting and inspiring story about courage, determination, and solidarity."