The Rescue
A youth soccer team and their coach get trapped in a flooded cave, and British divers must rescue them.
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Follows the story of the Wild Boars youth soccer team who got trapped and their dramatic 2018 rescue.
"It was during the 2018 World Cup that news of a youth soccer team in Thailand made headlines. The reason? These children and teenagers, along with their coach, were trapped in a flooded cave. They had gone in to explore the area when suddenly a flash flood blocked their way out, leaving them stuck in an almost inaccessible place. From this desperate story, documentarians Elizabeth Chai Vasarhelyi and Jimmy Chin (of the Oscar-winning 'Free Solo') follow the efforts of those on the outside, mainly British divers, to get the kids out alive. Mixing stunning archival footage with recreations that blend seamlessly into the recordings, we follow this desperate challenge. Special mention to the great script, which follows a narrative line typical of fiction films - with a beginning, middle and end, as well as climax and anti-climax. Like 'Virunga' and even 'Free Solo', there are moments of true tension, although almost everyone knows how this real story ends."