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A teenage girl and her friends make Singapore's first indie film, but their enigmatic American mentor disappears with all the footage.
Why watch this film?
In 1992, teenager Sandi Tan and her friends Sophie and Jasmine shot Singapore's first indie-a road movie called "Shirkers"-with their enigmatic American mentor, Georges Cardona. Sandi wrote the script and played the lead, a killer named S. After shooting wrapped, Georges vanished with all the footage! 20 years later, the 16mm cans are recovered in New Orleans, sending Sandi-now a novelist in Los Angeles-on a new personal odyssey across two continents and many media: 16mm, digital, Hi8, Super8, slides, animation and handwritten letters. A kaleidoscopic punk rock ghost story!
"They say that artistic collaborations have their dangers - something made evident by this peculiar and interesting documentary. And this is also a story about new beginnings and the difficulties of making films in small countries like Singapore, and we can say in Brazil too. ‘Shirkers: The Stolen Movie’ will fascinate you with the life of Sandi Tan. It's no wonder that the film won the best director award at Sundance Festival."