The Bones
A girl performs a ritual to free Chile from its feudal heritage, invoking the spirits of two damned Secretaries of State.
Why watch this film?
The world’s first stop-motion animation film is excavated as Chile drafts a new Constitution. The film shows a girl performing a ritual exorcism to free Chile from its feudal heritage. Among a dance of bones, organs, and body parts, the spirits of two damned Secretaries of State are invoked.
"This Chilean stop motion animation won the best short film award at the Venice Festival 2021. The story revolves around a girl - who looks like she came out of a Tim Burton movie - who performs a ritual to free Chile's kingdom from its feudal heritage. With a macabre atmosphere, the plot has great references to Mary Shelley's classic book 'Frankenstein or the Modern Prometheus', with a very strong political context. 'Los Huesos' conveys a powerful message about a country's past that has suffered much oppression and still weaves an analysis of Chile's current situation."