76 Days
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A nurse in Wuhan struggles to keep patients alive as COVID-19 ravages the city.
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Raw and intimate, this documentary captures the struggles of patients and frontline medical professionals battling the COVID-19 pandemic in Wuhan.
"This feature film is quite reminiscent of 'The Cave', nominated for an Oscar in 2020 about a hospital in the midst of war in Syria. The difference here, besides being about coronavirus, is that the direction opted to be a diffuse observer of the facts instead of focusing on a doctor, a patient, a story. On the one hand, it has its benefits. The film becomes more dynamic and it is interesting to observe the different effects of the disease on different people. However, it loses connection with the viewer, who cannot get attached to any of the stories. In the end, it ends up being more of a great document about one of the most complicated moments in History than a great movie. I have no doubt that in the future, '76 Days' will be used in schools so that new generations can better understand a little of what we went through in the sad year of 2020."