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A Polish midwife fights to save babies and mothers in Auschwitz, where she meets a sadistic doctor.
Why watch this film?
Based on true events. A midwife is sent to Auschwitz and is recruited to help in the camp hospital. Discovering that the doctor is experimenting on children and pregnant women, she vows to save as many victims as possible.
"Josef Mengele is one of the most well-known and talked about Nazis in Brazil. After all, the doctor managed to escape the siege at the end of World War II and fled to our country, where he would only die in 1979, drowned in Bertioga. This movie goes back to Mengele's past in the Auschwitz concentration camp, where he conducted experiments, mainly with children. It was also there that the sadistic doctor met Stanislawa Leszczynska, a Polish midwife who tried her best to save babies and mothers - in a story that is portrayed in this film. Today, Stanislawa is a candidate for canonization by the Vatican."