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Teresa and her husband face a violent revolt on their family farm, leading her to seek refuge in her armored car.


Why watch this film?

Property - Directed by Daniel Bandeira (O Nó do Diabo), it is an electrifying drama from Pernambuco that addresses social inequality in Brazil. With Malu Galli playing Tereza, a traumatized woman who finds herself trapped in an armored car, the film builds growing tension between employers and employees. Awarded at Fantastic Fest 2023 and selected for the Berlin Festival, "Property" is an impactful work that highlights the excellence of national cinema.



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Plot summary

Teresa and her husband travel to their family farm to take refuge from violence in the city. But when they arrive they face a violent revolt by local workers. She locks herself in her armored car, but the layer of armor that separates these two universes may not be enough to contain the fear and violence that grows each passing minute.

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