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A divorced father must confront his past when forced to travel with his daughter to meet his estranged father.


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Sol - After talking about a delirious love in 'Jonas' and the routine of the Alvorada Palace in the documentary 'Alvorada', directed together with Anna Muylaert, filmmaker Lô Politi now turns to the family - even if it's dysfunctional and full of problems - in the interesting 'Sol'. The plot is quite simple: Téo (Rômulo Braga), who is spending some time with his daughter, the result of an already ended marriage, begins to receive unexpected calls. Soon we discover that they are people trying to talk to him about the health of Theodoro (Everaldo Pontes), a father with whom Téo has not talked for a long time. It is the joining of destiny, a father-to-father plot. But, in the direction, is Politi. She, with a sensitivity not seen before in 'Jonas' or 'Alvorada', inserts common elements of the family drama to develop the story. It is the almost desperate attempt of the father to create bonds with his daughter, it is the belligerence of Téo and Theodoro - two men who, in addition to the genetic link, still carry the same name. Téo retired it. Theodoro is silent. Already the elements of the road movie arrive little by little, as father and daughter need to find a destination for the grandfather, debilitated by life. There are some interesting ideas, such as the old man's attachment to the wooden scowl. It shows a connection with a past that does not say much about Téo, which ends up repelling the two characters even more.



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Plot summary

A recently divorced father, who cannot reconnect with his 10-year-old daughter, is forced to travel with her to the countryside to meet his own father, who abandoned him as a child and now is an old man who wants to die. The forced intimacy with the father he hates and the immediate connection between daughter and grandfather test all his limits, but might also be the chance to get closer to his daughter again.


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